Saturday, November 24, 2012

Day 23: 2000!

Big things, big things! Today, 24 days into the month of Movember, my blog has eclipsed 2000 hits. As I've said before, I'm no mathemagician but I believe this puts me in the Top 10 of the Internet- along prominent sites like Google, Facebook, and AskJeeves. This realization has been the saving grace of my day given the outcome of the Michigan game. By the way, fuck Ohio State. Prior to Movember, average viewership typically hovered around minus 43 hits per month. If I had to guess at the breakdown of viewership, I would say that:

-1,000 hits are due to me obsessively proofreading (and yet spelling and grammar errors is still kommonplacse)
-750 hits are due to people accidentally finding my blog
-250 hits are due to people who intentionally tried to read my blog

SO, 250 "real" hits / approximately 25 posts = 10 real hits per day

These 10 real hits are likely my girlfriend, and a rotating cast of 9 other friends. Not that I rotate my friendship with them. They just rotate their readership. Nevertheless, I love all of you.

Here is Blog Fan #1 in all of her Black Friday glory. 
"Steve, look at this bracelet, sweater, and sunglasses that I got when shopping in Richmond! I look like a celebrity going to rehab!"

Mustache Day #23
While examining the mustache today, Liz repeatedly said "It just doesn't look right..."

See you tomorrow! Oh yeah, fuck Ohio State.

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