Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 1: Movember

Administrative Announcements:

Remember to donate here:
And also, you should watch the video here for an inspirational (and funny) speech by Movember's creator:

Groundbreaking Original Content and Facial Hair Update:

Today is November 2nd. Logic would suggest that I should designate this as "Day 2" but in a moment of pure confusion, I unfortunately started my numbering with Day 0.  So, 1 it is.

I really don't have much to report today. The first full 24 hours of growth since a clean shave have passed without incident.  

Okay.  Without further adieu, here is how I look after one day. Some of you may be thinking:  "Dude, you look rough today... like... seriously."  And, to be frank, I feel rough. Because I was drinking last night. And it was the type of drinking where beer, red wine, and frozen margarita all   were involved.  And in that type of drinking, you really feel rough for about 24 hours after you stop. So now that we have that out of the way, in the mustache department, there is nothing really to write home about. I counted the individual hair follicles that are rocking out in the mustache region and have come up with... 

and let's see...  divide the six, carry the one, borrow...  

I count 7 hairs thus far

Watch out Burt Reynolds. 

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