Sunday, November 18, 2012

Day 17: Manly Mustache

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Another day of growth is in the books. My mustache is becoming thick and luscious. Last night I was at the bar, and hundreds of people complimented me on it.

One person even commented "Sir, how do you achieve that voluminous magnificent mustache?!"

And really, how do I reply to that? Well, I simply say: "Thank you, thank you- this [as I point at my mustache] is all natural my friend."

Of course, it's not all natural, because as my mustache has grown into its own, I have treated it like a king. Each day in the shower, I shampoo it and condition it, treating it with equal respect as the hair on my head. I think it is that love and tenderness that is particularly responsible for my mustache attaining greatness.

You know, having a mustache is quite strange. In the beginning, I felt a little dirty. I was a little scared that people would judge me for it. But now, I'm proud. I feel manly. I feel unstoppable... I feel like... I feel like this:

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