Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Balance Bars

I love Balance Bars.  Or... I did.

My favorite kind are Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch.
Unfortunately, I've had a tough time finding this flavor lately.  So, the other day at Target, I just kindof threw some boxes of Balance Bars into my basket.  All I knew is that they weren't Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch- but whatever, I'd give Balance a shot given their impeccable track record thus far.

So I get home and take a closer look at the box, and they are...

Caramel Nut Blast

Ummmm....  really?!  I have to imagine some one at the Balance Marketing Department got canned for approving a flavor with the words "NUT BLAST" in it.  And how did the meetings go to decide on this flavor:

Marketing Exec:  "Caramel nut just doesn't capture the flavor explosion you get with these... And besides, the youth these days are so into things that are extreme.  We need to add something at the end that captures the explosion.  Can we just add 'explosion?' "

20 year old Intern:  "Nah- explosion is too many syllables."

Marketing Exec:  "How about 'blast' then?  Caramel Nut Blast?"

20 year old Intern:  (Snickers)  "Yes!  (Snickers)  That's it (Snickers) boss!"

(20 year old Intern goes out and parties that night and tells all his friends about how his idiot boss is naming a flavor CARAMEL NUT BLAST)

Anyway...  these bars are awful... and my search for Chocolate Mint Cookie Crunch continues... If you find any, please get them for me and I will pay you back!


Elizabeth said...

I kind of liked the nut blast...

bigangrydino said...

Only because you haven't had Chocolate Mint Cookie. You are naive and directionless in the tasting of Balance Bars. Soon little grasshopper, you will learn that CMC Balance Bars are the End All Be All in the power bar world.