Thursday, May 20, 2010

My blogging frequency is dismal

Updating this blog is sure a lot harder than I anticipated!

I attribute this to many factors:

a) I am working a lot more now. Economic downturns sure are a lot of fun. I keep reading about how worker productivity increases and wages stay stagnant, or decrease. Awesome, right? Sign me up! My hours are usually 730/8 to 530/6. Now while this in itself is not THAT bad, I find myself constantly taking work home for the evenings or weekend. And THAT blows.

b) I started taking kung fu in November. I'm not going to lie. I partially started taking kung fu because I re-watched both Kill Bill movies around this time, and said to myself: "This shit is so awesome. I must learn it." Anyway, that's what I said, and that's what I'm doing. Kung fu is three to four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday). Mondays and Tuesdays are usually reserved for learning/practicing basic techniques and forms, while Wednesdays and Saturdays are reserved for sparring, and/or brutal workouts. Now, when I started kung fu, I was in pretty good shape. I had recently run a half marathon at a good pace, and felt good about my fitness. The Wed/Sat workouts brought me to my knees. They are absolutely brutal. Anyway, it's a HELL OF A LOT OF FUN, and since November, I have earned my Yellow Belt. Go ahead and laugh, but I am dead serious about this hobby and in three years or so, I will have a Black Belt, and the ability to effortlessly roundhouse kick you in the head.

c) Okay... well it turns out those are really the only two reasons I can think of at the moment as to why I've been so bad about blogging. BUT, I have a bunch of bloggable ideas that I'm working on, so stay tuned and you will be rewarded with exciting 45 second reads to spice up your workday!

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