Thursday, May 20, 2010

DC Marine Corps Marathon

I recently signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon!

Here's what I would LIKE to say about this:

"I, Steve, thrive off of setting tough, yet attainable goals. I enjoy the dedication and work that is required in working towards reaching these goals. I feel an enormous satisfaction once I complete something that I know most people cannot."

While the above is true, it is misleading, because none of the above is why I actually signed up for the marathon. The reason I signed up is because I cave in easily to peer pressure. All it took was an email from my college roommate (Karl) and a former DC roommate (Adam) saying "Hey, run 26.2 miles with us! It will be fun!" , and I signed up for it. I didn't really think of what I was signing up for, I just kindof did it... In retrospect, I acted like a lemming.

BUT, I was a lemming with REASON! The last time Karl suggested a crazy idea, the proposition went something like this:


KARL- "Dude, when you come up to New York in a few weeks, do you want to go skydiving?!"
ME- "Dude, I'm drunk right now! I'll do anything!

As it turned out, Karl DID sign me up for skydiving, and it turned out to be AWESOME! Therefore, any idea he suggests will be awesome... Right? RIGHT?! I sure hope so!

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