Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sock Problem

I did laundry tonight and something annoying happened.

APPARENTLY, there was a tissue or SOMETHING in my laundry, and it infiltrated my sock. THEN, in the wash/dry normal routine, it ripped itself into a million pieces (unbeknownst to me).

The end result of this is that when I was sorting my socks after taking everything out of the dryer, I turned this particular right-side-out (what I mean to say here is that the sock was inside-out, and I was trying to make it the OPPOSITE of inside-out) and BOOM! Millions of little tissue pieces everywhere.

Above is a picture of the sock. My floor is not shown in the picture, but it is covered with little pieces of tissue. So annoying. What's even worse is that I'll probably have to throw away this sock because the damn tissue won't come off it.

Laundry- 1
Steve- 0

Yeah... so anyway... my next blog post will be better than this. I promise.

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