Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Sesame Street...

... must have gotten way cooler over the years!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

This morning, I rolled into work at 7:20 AM. I sat down at my computer, began to type, and then realized: MY THUMB IS KILLING ME!

Why? Because I played my Batman video game for a couple hours last night. It was button mashing mayhem.

The game is so intense! Every time I died, I had this big man-crocodile thing (see picture below) say "I'm going to feast on your bones!" Now I'm not one to take trash talk of that magnitude, so I responded by pushing the buttons harder and harder during my subsequent attempts at trying to beat him.

What I learned was that in video games, pushing the buttons harder does not necessarily lead to improved performance. In fact, my work performance will probably be hindered for the next couple days because my right thumb is next-to-useless.

Just another day in the life of a twenty six year old...