I know I know... EVERYBODY has been freaking out because this hasn't been updated in ages... Fear not! I am back!
I've been a busy beaver! I have lots to blog about! I will be posting quite a bit for the next couple weeks so stay tuned!
Let's cut to the chase though and talk Christmas. This is my list of demands... er... requests for Christmas.
1. The Ultimates Omnibus- I've been out of the comic book game for many-a-year now, but I just discovered (I'm late to the party, I know) that Marvel puts out these so-called Omnibus-es (or Omnibii??? whatever...) Basically, these are 700+ page hardcover bound full color collections of entire runs of certain comics... The Ultimates is the primary one I want. It was a great run, and it was turned into two animated movies that I loved.
2. New X-Men Omnibus- Okay, I'll save you the suspense, and cut to the chase and say that the next several items are comics. This particular Omnibus apparently runs $200+ new due to the fact it is out of print. Nevertheless, the whole run is available in paperback format for a total of about $70 (spread over 3 or so volumes)... I may have to go that route.
3. Astonishing X-Men Omnibus- More X-Men... not much else to say here, other than that this volume is priced normally ($50ish) since it is still in-print. I should mention that I love the X-Men. I used to watch the cartoon and read the comics as a kid. Unfortunately the movies have sucked, but this and the last Omnibus are supposed to represent a whole new take on the series, and they both have received critical acclaim (probably from other nerds).
4. Daredevil Omnibus- Daredevil is a unique Marvel superhero that I never really knew too much about... I didn't read the comics as a kid, but I've always been curious to see exactly how badass he is. I have the feeling the answer is "VERY."

I mean... he's a blind dude that sees through infra-red vision or something, and has all sorts of brutal fighting ability!
5. Assasin's Creed II- I know nothing about this game other than that it is supposed to be absolutely phenomenal. Now, I have somewhat of a backlog in my video game playing- I still have to beat Batman: Arkham Asylum, and take my FIFA franchise to greatness, but I'm sure I can squeeze in time for this one!

6. Chamakh- This is a little bit of a stretch as a gift, but I would like Arsenal to pick up
Marouane Chamakh the second the Transfer Window opens. From all indicators, he would be the second coming of Christ, and so I welcome this addition to the team!